Better opportunities in other professions was the chief reason given by more than a third of 1,000 IT respondents for not recommending technology as a career, according to the survey by recruitment firm Hudson. One in four believed there were richer financial pickings to be had elsewhere and 23% were reluctant to recommend IT because of a poor work/life balance.

IT was not the only career where its workers were not keen for the next generation to follow in their footsteps. Almost a third of male lawyers said they would not encourage their children to consider law as a profession.

The findings represent a stark warning to employers that, even in a tough economic climate, engaging work and opportunities for progression remain critical if businesses are to avoid the kind of ‘desk-despondency’ that could lead to talented employees leaving.

Trying to keep frustrated employees motivated and upbeat will be one of the key challenges for businesses in these tougher economic conditions. Ignoring employees’ concerns will not be an option, said Andy Rogerson, chief executive, Hudson UK.