According to ACI, Proactive Risk Manager is expected to enable Indue to cost-effectively reduce losses and limit its customers’ risk exposure by filtering each transaction against user-defined rules created by the investigative staff.

ACI has said that Indue has licensed the rules-only enterprise version of Proactive Risk Manager, which is expected to monitor all transaction activity from a single customer view, such as a universal or household account, for which all of the customers’ business relationships with the bank are tied.

Indue is expected to deploy Proactive Risk Manager as part of its flagship Orion fraud prevention service. This service is a fundamental capability necessary in supporting the growth and development of Indue’s clients cards businesses, added ACI.

Manuel Garcia, CEO of Indue, said: Indue is looking to enhance its fraud detection capability in order to minimize the fraud experienced by our clients’ cardholders, while at the same time leveraging its infrastructure to meet our clients AML monitoring requirements. The partnership with ACI will enable us to achieve our aims.