According to the company, nMetric 5.0 is a software that addresses many challenges faced by today’s manufacturers, including throughput optimization, inventory minimization, demand visibility, supplier management and bottleneck identification, among others.

The new release combines nMetric’s scheduling engine with an MES engine, data collection and integration technology, and modules for both operational data and What If analysis.

Using patented technology, nMetric 5.0 turns each factory order into a series of  Jobs that supervise and route themselves. Smart Jobs find and book the resources they need, understand the relationship between resources and order routing, and know when each operation has to be completed to stay on schedule. Continuous feedback from all Smart Jobs provides distributed intelligence to scheduling logic, enabling each job to react to the current situation and unexpected events in real time. The patented Smart Job technology allows knowledge workers to generate a production schedule that is achievable and based on plant reality, rather than one based on planning divorced from floor actualities, said nMetric.

The product suite enables each user to have a custom interface, including a home page tailored to provide a snapshot of critical daily operations. nMetric allows planners to manage outsourced as well as in-house operations, and to define business process workflows to maximize coordination and communication among various departments. nMetric 5.0 product suite also allows floor operators and plant supervisors to efficiently manage the operational execution and quality control process, added nMetric.

Lucy Hoger, CEO and president of nMetric, said: nMetric 5.0 optimizes manufacturing process, transforming the discrete complex factory into a predictable, reliable and flexible demand-driven operation. It lets manufacturers respond to customers in record time, keep promises to deliver, and improve cash flow and profitability. With our patented Smart Job technology, nMetric 5.0 brings true business process automation to the complex manufacturing process and delivers unprecedented real-time and forward visibility. Manufacturers can finally see precisely what they can and can’t do, so they can prepare for nearly any eventuality.