The system has enabled verification that the Coins service, from systems provider Information Edge, is secure and meets Government Secure Intranet (GSI) accreditation standards.

The work was commission by DfT’s IT services partner, Computacenter, and completed in six days.

Weng Lam, system accountant, DfT, added: Sapphire’s experience and expertise in this area enabled it to complete the project well ahead of schedule. Since then we have commissioned it to carry out five days penetration testing in another DfT division. Sapphire has demonstrated a professional approach throughout. I anticipate that we will work together again in the future.

According to Sapphire, it was recommended to the government by Computacenter because it has gained certification from the Communications Electronics Security Group (CESG) to provide network security consultancy to government departments wishing to connect to the GSI through the CESG Listed Advisor Scheme (CLAS).

This scheme aims to create a group of high quality consultants approved by the CESG to provide information assurance advice to government departments.