Open source software services firm CorraTech has launched two new outsourcing systems for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs); and has also expanded its Open Source Center of Excellence (OSCOE) and open source development and support operations in India.

CorraTech’s new outsourcing software, OpenISV, helps ISVs establish the infrastructure needed to launch and maintain open source software initiatives. CorraTech’s initial OpenISV systems will include OpenISV OPD – outsourced product development, and OpenISV TCE – total customer experience.

According to CorraTech, OpenISV OPD will include outsourced services to manage the entire open source product development lifecycle from design through support, including prototype design, prototype development, feature definition, product development and maintenance, unit/interface testing, validation and acceptance, technical support, customer support, professional services, document services and performance benchmarking.

OpenISV TCE will include outsourced services to maintain systems that support the total customer experience, including open source project administration, community forum and project forge support, web content management and CRM support, campaign management, analytics and search engine marketing maintenance.

The company has said that it is expanding its OSCOE in India to support OpenISV. With the expansion, CorraTech expects to increase the depth of open source knowledge across the company’s employees and together with new, strategic partnerships in the US and Europe help ISVs execute their open source strategies.

Ron Bongo, CEO of CorraTech, said: ISVs are finding that executing an open source plan can be counterintuitive, requiring knowledge and resources they don’t have in house. CorraTech’s OpenISV outsourcing solutions capitalise on our expertise and allow ISVs to launch and manage open source projects and products.