SQS has signed a one-year, blended onshore/offshore managed services contract with a tier one investment bank to manage and coordinate the testing for a platform upgrade and systems change. SQS said that it is working with senior management at the bank to ensure the program delivers quality systems within a given time frame and that risks are mitigated wherever possible. The program will involve multiple phases and implementations are expected to run into 2010 and 2011.

SQS has also won a contract to provide testing and quality management services to the UK operations of a car manufacturer.

Furthermore, SQS has secured a contract to provide testing services to an industrial group in the Nordic countries. The new client is a supplier of products, and services in market segments such as rolling bearings, seals and lubrication systems.

In addition, SQS has been contracted until July 2010 to provide consultancy services and training on software testing, quality and security for the project on economic development through eGovernance in India. The project is being funded by the German Ministry for Economic Development and is supported by the Indian government’s Ministry for Communication and Information Technology.

Rudolf van Megen, CEO of SQS, said: I am delighted to announce this significant contract wins, the variety of which illustrate the sector independence of our offerings and the healthy mix of industries in which SQS operates. This is in line with our strategic policy of broadening the diversity of markets into which we sell and we are confident of further success with this strategy going forward.