Actuate has said that the new program offers a framework of metrics designed to help organizations build best practices and enhance sustainability and is based on Actuate’s Performancesoft suite and Actuate Birt products which deliver rich, dynamic interactive dashboards, sustainability scorecards and strategy maps.

According to the company, Actuate for Sustainability Management takes organizations beyond environmental sustainability by helping them identify, assess, and respond to social, economic, and environmental risks and opportunities. The application has over 100 built-in metrics available to organizations, enabling them to manage and measure key indicators such as employee satisfaction, environmental impact, access to training and education and community engagement.

In addition to these built-in metrics, Actuate offers companies the ability to custom-build metrics for their specific sustainability needs. All of the measures can be tailored and scaled for employees, governmental and organizational compliance units and external stakeholders, depending on the specific goals of the sustainability program.

By implementing sustainability management, organizations can monitor, track and report on environmental impact measures such as carbon credits purchased and used; average water consumption by facility; and average electrical consumption per employee. By implementing Actuate for Sustainability Management organizations extend their sustainability across all operations to maximize transparency and accountability to create valuable insight and enduring best practices, said Actuate.

Seema Haji, senior technical marketing manager of Actuate, said: We enable our customers to take sustainable thinking to the next level. Sustainability means so much more than just going green and is proving to be an enduring method of running a successful business. To make an organization truly sustainable over time, managers not only need to consider quantitative metrics like greenhouse gas emissions and water usage, but they also need to be able to identify, measure and report on other more qualitative aspects of their operations such as employee satisfaction and corporate philanthropy.