Join the Sophos education team to hear about the concerns being raised to us by the higher and further education sectors.

As we already know, HE/FE is a highly targeted area and a highly lucrative option for malicious actors.

We’ll look at how these threats are affecting the sector and what the knock-on effects of those attacks are.

It’s not all bad news and sleepless nights though, get ready for some good news as well!

We’ll have an overview of the solutions that Sophos offers universities and colleges, and the success that HE/FE customers already experiencing with Sophos.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Analysing the threats to the higher education & further education sector
  • Exploring the knock-on effects of attacks once they’ve taken place
  • An overview of solutions that Sophos offers universities and colleges
  • Examples of the success that higher education & further education customers are experiencing


Nick Murphy, senior education account executive, Sophos.

Register to join

Join the Sophos education team to hear about the concerns being raised to us by the Higher and Further education sector by registering here.

The event will take place on 14 October, 2022 at 11am (BST) Registration for the event is free.

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