Xythos On Demand document management platform is deployed as a software-as-a-service over the Internet. The latest version adds technologies and services, like customizable Ajax-based web interface, Wikis and social tagging to the Xythos On Demand desktop to facilitate better access to and sharing of content.

Xythos on Demand 2.0 also includes new Web wizards that streamline the setting up of shared workspaces and simplify access control management.

Xythos has no qualms about branding its On Demand document management system as basic since appeals to SMBs who are weary about implementing complex and pricy enterprise content management platforms from the likes of EMC Documentum and IBM/FileNet.

The concept of ECM as a service is quite appealing, as it helps overcome customer concerns about system integration and ease of use, said Ed Miller, CEO of San Francisco-based Xythos.

Integrated Wiki support also provides a dynamic view of content stored in the service as well as discussions which occur around it. Unlike many consumer Web applications, users don’t have to abandon their desktop applications to benefit from the secure online file storage and management features available with the service. Xythos on Demand delivers advanced Web collaboration features directly from the desktop including offline file access and synchronization.

Xythos on Demand 2.0 is generally available now, for either trial or purchase.

Xythos also announced that new 7.0 versions of its Digital Locker and Enterprise Document Management Suites should be ready for general release

by the end of this year. Xythos EDMS 7.0 will include enhanced workflow and business process automation capabilities as well as the Web 2.0 tools and services that are now included in Xythos On Demand 2.0.

Separately, Xythos also announced it has integrated its Digital Locker and EDMS products with Zimbra’s open source messaging and collaboration environment. Zimbra, which is based in Sunnyvale, California, was acquired by Yahoo last month for $350m.

The two companies have developed a new Zimlet that allows customers to access email and document collaboration features directly as a web service from the Zimbra’s Collaboration Suite platform.

Xythos and Zimbra customers can benefit in three ways: email and document storage and management can be delivered as a service which avoids expensive desktop applications and upgrade fees; and all message data and files can be stored centrally to improve data security and protection; and messages and document files can even be automatically classified using the Xythos Enterprise Document Manager to meet compliance requirements.

Zimbra’s collaboration software is available as an on-demand subscription or an on-premise license.