The application has been accredited for Nokia’s N95 and 6110 Navigator mobile phones.

According to the company, the GyPSii is a web-based application for social networking platform, location-based news and services. It also allows the creation and sharing of user generated content and works on global positioning system (GPS) and non-GPS-enabled devices.

The GyPSii platform was earlier compatible with Windows mobile devices and the company claims that by adding Symbian and Nokia support, the application is now available on all internet connected mobile handset.

Consumer demand for mobile location based services is rising dramatically, said Dan Harple, chief executive at GeoSentric. Symbian is the dominant handset operating system, and Nokia the dominant handset manufacturer, as demonstrated by its increase in global market share to 39% and sales of some 111 million devices in Q3 of 2007 alone. Adding Symbian capability, accredited by Nokia, to the GyPSii platform is therefore a major breakthrough and milestone endorsement.

In the mobile social networking space, the social networking platform Anthem was introduced by Intercasting in July 2007, while another platform Zingku was acquired by Google in September 2007. Handset manufacturer Motorola also invested in Tilefile, a social-media platform developer earlier this month.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates