Lemmi Fashion has used radio frequency identification (RFID) extensively to streamline distribution processes. The company has seen measurable benefits including improved speed to market, order accuracy, and inventory management while continually evolving their RFID program. Lemmi originally relied on HF RFID tags and readers with proprietary, server-based RFID middleware for item-level tagging and tracking of garments, but is now converting to standards-based UHF Gen2 tags and readers supported by Reva’s RFID network infrastructure.

Lemmi Fashion is applying, reading and tracking RFID tags on garments as part of the manufacturing processes involving several suppliers in Asia and Europe. The tagged items then move through the distribution channel where they are read at strategic points. The finished goods arrive at Lemmi distribution centers in Germany where they are automatically scanned at receipt, during order processing and again as pulled orders become outboard shipments.