The company claims that the Brilliance iCT scanner can capture an image of the entire heart in just two beats and the incorporation of the Philips technology have reduced the radiation doses by up to 80%. The Brilliance iCT scanner is designed to reduce patients’ exposure to X-rays as the scan is much quicker because the machine’s X-ray emitting gantry can rotate four times in a single second, which is 22% faster than current systems. The scanner and a 64-channel system both feature Philips Essence technology, which consists of new X-ray tubes, detectors and reconstruction design elements.

According to the company, this technology can provide detailed and clear 3D images of an entire organ, including the heart and brain, and can also show changes over time. Also, all images can be accessed on any computer in a hospital or by colleagues and researchers remotely.

The new Brilliance iCT scanner announced today was specifically designed by Philips to make the job of the clinicians easier and improve the experience of the patient, said Steve Rusckowski, chief executive at Philips Medical Systems.

The company’s rival Toshiba America Medical Systems also launched a CT system at the Radiological Society of North America, the AquilionONE, a diagnostic imaging system for patient care. Prior to this product, Toshiba offered Aquilion 64, a 64-slice computed tomography (CT) scanner built on Toshiba’s 64-row Quantum Detector.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates