It said the new platform is said to promote dynamic, web-based intelligent reporting to bring strategic BPA and EA information to the entire organization, while providing sophisticated confidentiality features to protect sensitive data.
The new version of the MEGA Modeling Suite includes a new product, MEGA Advisor, as well as new information sharing, reporting, and confidentiality features that Mega said companies have requested.
The new MEGA Advisor permits on-demand access to EA repositories via a web portal for audiences who only need to consult information from a repository. Until now, only modeling users in a company had direct access to the EA repositories. Mega said role-based content delivery brings the benefits of EA modeling to an operational level.
It said the combination of MEGA Advisor and the new interfaces offer businesses intelligent reporting, by integrating MEGA BPA and EA information with dynamic indicators from third-party tools. There is now integration between the MEGA Modeling Suite and IBM WebSphere Integration Developer, Software AG CentraSite, and SystarBusinessBridge.
Lucio di Risi, president and CEO of Mega International, said: companies must analyze and plan their business so they can anticipate changes and trends in their markets, efficiently manage growth, and reduce unknowns, delays, and unnecessary costs. Our modeling tools provide…visibility into company information and operations to enable smart business decisions.
Founded in 1991, Mega International counts AT&T, Cox Enterprises, DirecTV, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, GeoEye, Morgan Stanley, NASA, National City Bank, NEXTEL, Nissan, Wyeth, and the US Departments of Agriculture, Homeland Security, and Transportation among its customers.