The 0405-500L is a bipolar class C transistor designed for ultra high frequency (UHF) frequencies between 400 and 450 MHz. According to the company, it uses a new chip design and processing enhancements to offer high power and gain over the specified frequency range with 1.1 millisecond (ms) pulse width and 26% duty cycle. It offers performance of 500W, 50% collector efficiency in a hermetically sealed package for long pulsed radar and over the horizon radio detection and ranging radar applications.

The company has already launched power solution modules for the L-Band pulsed radar applications with the launch of three model types: the 1214-800P, 1214-700P1, and 1214-550P, which deliver power outputs of 550W, 700W, and 800W at 50% collector efficiency, under a pulse format of 300 microseconds and 10% long term duty cycle.

The transistor’s predecessor, the 0405-1000M, was launched by the company in September 2006. Microsemi claimed at that time that it was the industry’s highest power UHF transistor with one kilowatt of power at a operating frequency of 400-450 MHz.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates