This platform performs well for individual traders by focusing on what individual foreign exchange traders want and need to assess the highly liquid, 24-hour currency marketplace without risking more than their account deposit, said Peregrine Financial Group (PFG) COO Russ Wasendorf, Jr.

In addition to FX Express’ accurate price feed and advanced hedging, other advantages include adjustable contract sizes onscreen, market-leading charting solutions, and Market News International for breaking stories and market coverage.

The platform can be customized for the individual, with the ability to mix and match currency pair views, account summaries and a function displaying all 20 currency pairs in a separate window. It also holds the ability to place a small-sized ticker on any application.

The retail platform also offers the capability for traders to receive alerts, and the opportunity for currency traders to choose the contract sizes specifically tailored to suit the needs of their trading style.