The highlight is RFID support. That’s been a challenge for most servers because of the need to handle or filter huge volumes of data that would spew from these devices. And because these capabilities aren’t cheap, developing them has been something of a chicken and egg question: demand for RFID has yet to hit critical mass, yet to spur market growth, middleware providers must invest in significant R&D.

BizTalk’s approach is based on adapting the kind of plug-and-play technology used for connecting computing peripherals such as printers to RFID. Microsoft has built a device interface, to which device manufacturers design the drivers.

Developing the driver layer was child’s play compared to the next piece: developing an event processing services that applies logic and rules to filtering huge torrents of data. Microsoft claims its RFID event engine is lightweight enough so it won’t add too much computing load. It allows filtering to occur in layers, at BizTalk Server, or if the device or device aggregators are smart enough, to share some of the filtering there as well.

The other major addition is upgrading the EDI interface. This may not be quite as exciting as RFID because it is a 40-year old technology, but enough of it is out there that Microsoft had to develop a credible mediation layer to serve large manufacturers who still rely on EDI as their B2B transactional backbone.

Previously, Microsoft only had a rudimentary adapter that required significant coding and customization work. The adapter in release 2 will support the full schema for specific EDI transaction sets that Microsoft will gradually add.

The core Microsoft updated platform support includes the obvious pieces, such as Vista and Office 2007. And release 2 adds more granular support for aspects of the WinFX programming model of Vista, including Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and windows Workflow Foundation (WF).