Mr Taylor will also continue to serve as the company’s COO. Motoaki Saito, who has served as president and CEO for the ten years since the company’s founding, will remain as CEO and chairman of the board.

Motoaki Saito said: It is such a great pleasure to announce today that the role of president will be assumed by Robert Taylor. The board of directors tremendously appreciates Robert’s full commitment and significant contribution to the company’s growth during his 6 years in the TeraRecon management team, which has led to the board’s unanimous consent for this decision. Robert joined TeraRecon in February 2001 as executive vice president, with the initial responsibility of leading the company’s advanced visualization operations, under the brand ‘Aquarius.’ He immediately showed his phenomenal talent and turned it into the most successful business in the company today. He played a critically important individual role in this business development as an intelligent, sophisticated and impassioned leader from the first day of Aquarius operations. In November 2001, he was promoted with the additional role of COO, and has, in the 6 years since then, managed the complex operations of TeraRecon perfectly. After celebrating our company’s 10th anniversary and seeing under his leadership the successful launch of ‘Aquarius iNtuition,’ a truly revolutionary new generation of advanced visualization, I decided to concentrate my own time on more visionary, conceptual and strategic issues for the company, while recommending Robert to be my successor as president. I believe without any doubt, in his new and appropriate role as president and COO, Robert will lead and contribute more than ever in creating the next great chapter in TeraRecon’s history.