Exchange Online ( enables any company looking to manage online media campaigns across both display and email to do so through one single platform, benefiting both advertisers and publishers. It allows advertisers to optimize their online media and achieve the appropriate mix of banners and email placements while allowing participating publishers to better monetize their inventory.

StormPost 3.0’s new Inventory Management feature, a first-of-its-kind tool that allows marketers to keep track of sold and available email media inventory, much like they do when managing banner inventory, is one of three key enhancements to the software system. Transactional and member-to-member email ad serving for both banner and text is now available as well. Finally, StormPost is being made available as a full service performance CRM offering which means that marketers who adopt the alternative pricing model will be able to pay for performance versus the traditional CPM scale. Each of the new StormPost 3.0 upgrades was added to increase value to the marketer.