Computer Business Review (CBR) has been reporting on the nexus of business and technology since 1993 — a year in which CERN released the World Wide Web’s source code, the first Intel Pentium processor hit the market, Windows 3 was in vogue, Doom had just landed and Google was yet to be born. We had a glossy print magazine with a dedicated cartoonist and times, it is fair to say, were different in many ways.

Many things have changed since our launch (here we all are, merrily on the interwebs, sans cartoonist and dead trees). One thing remains the same: we would like to be reporting for you on the transformations being wrought by technology on organisations globally in another three decades too. And to help us meet this ambition, we would really appreciate a few minutes of your time with a reader survey.

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More soberly, CBR has been lucky enough to escape the furloughs and redundancies suffered by many colleagues this year. Our audience is growing strongly, our popular C-suite Dining Clubs have gone digital, and we feel confident there is a bright future for a title that keeps you abreast of the technology that is disrupting and transforming businesses and organisations the world over at a blistering pace.

The Future’s Bright: Help Us Shape It

In order to succeed in this mission we do need to understand our current and future readers better, however. We need to know who you are, so we can continue to make the case to advertisers that you are a hugely influential bunch.

And we need to know what it is that you want to read about — whether that’s breaking news on new threat vectors, deep dives into cloud migrations, CIO interviews or more. With limited (if growing) resources we can’t cover everything so we have to provide coverage that is the most useful to you, our readers.

Help us shape that direction of travel.

As you’ll see when you click through our survey — which should only take you 10 minutes — we would also like you to be real part of our journey going forwards. Get involved, please do take our survey today.

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