The iRazoo’s users will be able to sign-up for a free e-mail account, which uses BigString’s pending technology. It includes the ability to send traceable, recallable, non-forwardable, non-printable and self-destructing e-mails.

According to BigString, the look and feel of their service is like other e-mails, except that the sender has control over the e-mail functions by clicking on the ‘Edit Sent Mail’ button, which allows senders to edit the e-mails after they have been sent. The company claims that its e-mail service offers features, which are not offered by Google and Yahoo’s e-mail services.

BigString’s new, free e-mail account features are now available to social networks, portals, search engines, online dating, social media, affiliate networks and many other websites through BigString’s private label e-mail hosting and co-branded e-mail hosting solutions, said Robert DeMeulemeester, executive vice president and chief financial officer at BigString. Our unique email solution allows our partner iRazoo to offer its users a new email functionality that helps it further differentiate its service from its competitors,

Earlier this month, BigString also developed an e-mail application for Facebook users. It allows users to send exploding messages and pictures that can be programmed to self-destruct at a specific time and is based on BigString’s self-destructing email feature.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates