This is the first step in a broader business transformation initiative that Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), a government-sponsored institution, undertook to improve operational efficiency and adaptability.

During the initial rollout, 400 users across New Zealand are using Fineos, internally referred to as EOS for new beginnings, to process bodily injury, work cover, and other workers’ compensation claims. The first live week using EOS concluded with more than 2,000 new claims being processed efficiently and without incident.

ACC provides personal injury cover for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors to New Zealand on behalf of the government. The organization embarked on the enterprise-wide project in a move to prepare for future business needs.

In replacing its legacy systems, ACC is seeking to achieve a flexible and business configurable system that allows it to implement change in a timely manner, and a system that supports the identification and implementation of business improvement opportunities and allows ACC to action these.

ACC is also hoping that the implementation of the Fineos software will allow for a transition towards a paperless office environment, with all claimant-related information available electronically, and result in a more comprehensive and consistent framework for making payments to claimants and providers.

The remaining 2,000 ACC staff are expected to be moved over to the new system by mid-2007.