Agresso said the Vector deal is the latest in a series of wins, valued up to $3m each, that it has won against larger competitors in the mid-market. This deal is valued at approximately $428,000.

Vector Aerospace had a list of 12 contenders, which was narrowed down to Agresso, SAP, Microsoft and Sage. According to Vector Aerospace vice president of finance George Lawton, the Agresso product won because of its low cost and its ability to be changed on-the-fly.

Vector needed a product that was capable of keeping pace with the company as it executed its plan grow to a $1bn company within a 5-10 year window, and incorporate new business process methodologies and analytics. As a public company it had governance requirements, but also wanted to replace its disparate legacy systems with a single system to support better data consistency and create one version of the truth.

The market has been dominated by transaction-based solutions for many years and the parameters have since changed. Agresso’s change-oriented capabilities are much more in keeping with today’s need for more analytics, Lawton said.