Smart Applications International has commissioned close to 200 Smart device points of service at hospitals, pharmacies and general practitioner sites across Kenya, enabling patient authentication, verification of benefits and claims processing in a seamless process. Contactless smart cards have already been issued by a number of medical scheme managers as part of the program.

With On Track Innovations’ (OTI) MediSmart, Smart will be able to provide a complete healthcare solution, including cards, readers and related software that are seamlessly integrated with hospital management systems, where up to 75% of patients in Kenya, receive their primary healthcare services.

OTI MediSmart offers secure and fast front-end patient authentication and benefit verification at the service provider level, and allows for electronic clinical data capture and electronic claim and/or report generation. According to OTI, with MediSmart, statements and invoices are generated faster, administration time and cost is reduced and, since claims are authenticated electronically, it further guarantees payment and reduced payment cycles at provider levels.

We are delighted to have partnered with OTI, a company that I strongly feel will help Kenya and many other developing countries find solutions to address the high cost of medical management, said Chris Kirubi, a director of Smart.

This solution will enable the Kenyan government to realize their ambition of providing medical services to every Kenyan. In our view the potential market for this solution is 15 million users, he continued.