The as yet unnamed application will provide mobile operators with real-time insights into subscriber behavior and help them to deliver more personalized services.

Visual Numerics expects to ship a full version of the software by the end of the second quarter this year. It said the software is currently being piloted by two unnamed mobile carriers.

LogicaCMG, which is headquartered in Europe, recently off-loaded its Telecoms Products business unit to private equity hands. That deal is still subject to regulatory approval. Once complete, the division will operate under the new name of Acision.

Visual Numerics, which moved its headquarters from California to Houston, Texas a year ago, has developed analysis and visualization software for 30 years.

The company’s product portfolio consists of a library of advanced mathematical and statistical analysis algorithms and a visual data analysis tool. Its software has proved to be particularly popular in academia and research, but is also used by commercial firms like Barclays, Priceline,com and Boeing.