Unilever signed a global enterprise agreement with SAP to aid its global business transformation project, the One Unilever program, which aims to streamline and standardize business processes across the companies’ three operating regions – Asia/Africa, Middle East and Turkey, Europe and the Americas.

The global enterprise agreement enables broad access to licensed SAP products. Unilever is the first consumer packaged goods company to sign such an agreement with SAP

In addition to collaboration on enhancements and recommendations for SAP’s product portfolio, teams at SAP and Unilever will collaborate regionally and globally to identify best practices within the current SAP implementation with a goal to leverage these for Unilever’s wider global organization.

Unilever’s IT team will have in-depth contact with SAP’s consumer products experts, drawing upon SAP’s more than 20 years of industry experience serving consumer goods companies, for guidance and support throughout the IT transformation process.

This agreement enables us not only to accelerate business transformation, but also drive significant IT simplification as we move toward our destination IT architecture, said Neil Cameron, chief information officer at Unilever. Critically, as we move to fewer, more strategic IT partners it also gives us the influence over the SAP portfolio planning process and enhances our ability to work side-by-side with SAP on state-of-the-art industry solutions that we need from them to enable and further strengthen our global market presence.