Mark Sunner, CTO of the Gloucester, UK-based said the company, which scans email and web traffic for corporate customers, was detecting an average of two Trojans a week in January 2006, whereas now that figure has increased to one a day. Whereas a year ago they were targeting enterprises, now they’ve expanded to all sizes of company and all sectors, he said. In addition, it’s getting easier for potential miscreants to develop exploits with the publication of Trojan and hard-core toolkits over the last year.

To address this change in the threat landscape, in the last six months he said MessageLabs has altered its bundling strategy to make easy-to-understand offerings for SME, with email, web, IM, and potentially also archiving. Previously they would have had to call in the individual packages, which is something enterprises are quite comfortable with, he said.

MessageLabs unveiled its SME offering, MessageLabs Small Business Solutions, last October, and is now promoting it on the back of the publication of a report it sponsored in association with infosec software developer McAfee. The report comes from analyst house IDC and is entitled SMBs in a Connected World: Business Success Means Facing New IT Security Threats.

Greg Day, security analyst for McAfee in EMEA, said one of the most interesting aspects of the study is that 87% now use email and 40% said that they spend a good chunk of their day with email or on the Wweb, and for this type of company, any incident is potentially critical, as most of them lack the expertise in-house to address them.