Honeywell will implement a new electric and water meter reading system that will automate data collection, improving accuracy and minimizing the need to have meter readers visit customer properties. This will include the installation of more than 16,000 electric and 11,000 water meters from Sensus Metering Systems that are equipped with a digital register – instead of the traditional rotating dials – and wireless radio frequency technology.

At least four times a day, the meters will send their readings to receivers located throughout Ponca City. These receivers are connected to City Hall via Sensus FlexNet, a simple, reliable RF fixed network, and the metering data is compiled by the city’s utility systems.

The electric meters also include two-way communication capabilities, which give the city greater visibility into and control of the electricity grid. So instead of just collecting usage data, utility employees can pinpoint the specific houses affected by a power outage, for example, or remotely shut off power if a resident is moving.

Homer Nicholson, mayor of Ponca City, said: This undertaking allows us to accomplish our meter infrastructure and energy conservation goals while preserving resources in our capital budget. We can redirect those dollars down the road to other important initiatives like sewer upgrades and city park enhancements.