Tony Cotterill, managing director of the Ashtead, UK-based ISV, said: [EDA is] a strategy and a construct around our existing infrastructure. He said it seeks to position BridgeHead as offering archiving for all an enterprise’s needs, rather than just individual apps, as has been the norm until now.

The essence of the BridgeHead EDA portfolio is a single management layer for a wide range of archiving apps. He said there are multiple types of archiving requirement. We do file, content-addressable storage, and email archiving with Quest, and we have just introduced a product for [Microsoft] SharePoint, he said.

He said tighter integration with Quest product is a possibility for the future. For databases we have a relationship with GridTools, but an individual transaction is not the entire entity, just 10 or 15 tables, the question then being how you can extract, index, and archive transactions in a meaningful way, and the jury’s still out on that subject. He said BridgeHead is holding conversations with the analyst firm Enterprise Storage Group about whether it makes sense to try to do database archiving within a single suite with all the other functions BridgeHead offers.