Opera Software, a provider of Web browsing for PCs, mobile phones and other networked devices, has launched its new widget runtime platform for Google’s Android operating system that will support the new Wholesale Applications Community (WAC) 1.0 specification.

WAC is an alliance of mobile operators and OEMs, such as Vodafone, Verizon, China Mobile, Telenor, Telefonica, AT&T, Samsung, Huawei and others, working together to define, create and deploy a common mobile application platform.

WAC will create an open industry platform that benefits the entire ecosystem, including applications developers, handset manufacturers, OS owners, network operators and end-users uniting a fragmented applications marketplace.

Opera’s widget first release runtime for Android enables developing the next step in applications for smartphones by developers, while WAC implementation serves as a platform for distribution.

Opera Software chief developer officer Christen Krogh said it was a great pleasure for them to present their public implementation of the WAC 1.0 specification and to get developers going.

"Opera is participating in WAC and remains committed to take the WAC platform to the masses," Krogh said.