Technology workers in the US still earn considerably more than their European counterparts, a new survey from Puppet shows, with 64 percent of US respondents reporting IT salaries over $100,000 versus just 14 percent in Europe.

The survey of 3,000 technology workers globally found that the most common US salary range was between $100,000 and $125,000, the highest of any region. In Europe IT salaries are typically between $50,000 and $75,000 annually.  

IT Salaries
Credit: Puppet






IT Salaries: What’s Hot?

Retail appears to be a lucrative sector for practitioners, Puppet said.

Forty-seven percent of those surveyed in retail make more than $100,000, about 10 percent more than any other vertical including healthcare, financial services, and technology; a “significant departure” from last year’s figures.

Companies are increasingly growing their DevOps practices and the way they deliver IT services and software across the globe, which means businesses are in desperate need of the right talent who can adapt to this shift, raise the bar with software delivery and play an integral role in innovation,” said Nick Smyth, VP Engineering at Puppet.

France: Not Hot

While UK salaries are rising, France fairs particularly poorly: over half of all respondents reported IT salaries below the $50,000 benchmark, but in Germany, it is only 37 percent. At the higher end, 30 percent of German respondents report salaries over $100,000 compared to only 12 percent in France and 16 percent across Europe.

Puppet said: “For practitioners, salaries increased internationally in 2018, but in the U.S. aggregate numbers have not changed substantially from 2017.”

“Digging deeper into the US figures, we discover fewer than six percent of U.S. respondents report making less than $50,000 — indicators of a tight labor market with higher entry level compensation. The UK is experiencing similar salary trends, though with less upward pressure in the lower salary ranges. We are seeing marked increase in the middle of the range, however. This year, 26 percent of practitioners in the UK fall in the $75,000 to $100,000 range, up from just 17 percent last year.”

Those working in the education, industrial and manufacturing sectors fair particularly badly: less than 15 percent of those surveyed from the industrial and manufacturing sector were above the $100,000 threshold and almost 50 percent fall below $50,000 — far more than any other industry surveyed.

See also: Automation, the IT Skills Shortage and Cybersecurity