Micron Technology, a provider of advanced semiconductor offerings, has introduced a portfolio of high-capacity flash memory products that will lengthen the life of NAND.

The new ClearNAND devices utilise a traditional raw NAND interface, and include new features that are optimised for high-capacity and high-performance applications.

The company said that by coupling the error management with the NAND devices in a single package, Micron’s customers can continue to take advantage of the highest capacity and lowest cost-per-bit flash memory offering.

The new ClearNAND products are first designed using its 25nm multi-level cell (MLC) process, and are available in two versions: Standard and Enhanced.

The Standard ClearNAND products come in 8 to 32 gigabyte (GB) packages, and are intended to remove the error correction code (ECC) burden from the host processor with minimal protocol changes compared to raw NAND.

While the Enhanced ClearNAND products, in addition to removing the ECC burden from the host processor, also provide new enterprise specific features to enable high-capacity designs, delivering improved performance and reliability.

The Enhnaced ClearNAND capacities are available in 16 to 64GB packages and are targeted at enterprise and computing applications, and allows leading-edge 25nm MLC NAND to be used in these applications for the first time.

Micron NAND solutions group vice president Glen Hawk said the pace of NAND scaling is largely responsible for the incredible growth and success the industry has seen to date, and for helping to create new flash-based storage offerings.

"While the advantages in NAND scaling are evident, so are the challenges with the technology becoming increasingly more difficult to manage and Micron’s ClearNAND products remove this management burden for our customers and extend the life of this all-important technology," Hawk said.