Virgin Media Business and CRYPTOCard have been working with Kingston Primary Care Trust (PCT) in the UK to offer PCT staff secure remote access to its central clinical database.

Initially being rolled out to 450 users, the provision of secure access to content and applications will enable extended opening hours across GP surgeries, and is in line with the Out-of-Hours services requirement within the new GP contract.

Kingston PCT using Virgin Media Business’ fibre optic network will start offering staff remote access to the central database via broadband in this month.

All users requiring access to the central systems from remote locations will be asked to enter a secure one-time password provided by a special token and validated by CRYPTOCard’s MAS service, which is a managed authentication service that leverages cloud-based security technologies.

Kingston PCT head of ICT Ed Montgomery said Virgin Media Business provided the network to support the MAS cloud-based service requiring minimal management or overhead, making it a compelling solution and the perfect fit for our requirements.

Virgin Media Business head of health and emergency services David Astley said being able to securely access medical data whilst on the move is a fantastic example of how PCTs can enable greater collaboration across various locations and offer a superior level of service to their local residents.

CRYPTOCard president and CEO Neil Hollister said MAS is unique in that it allows organisations to use two-factor authentication but does not require them to install equipment or manage the solution on a day-to-day basis.

CRYPTOCard, the authentication authority, helps organizations mitigate the risk of identity theft by using appropriate authentication to secure digital identities. Headquartered in Canada and the UK, CRYPTOCard’s products are used by thousands of companies in more than 70 countries globally.