Oracle has entered into an agreement to purchase Talari Networks for an undisclosed amount and expects to finalise the deal before the end of 2018.

The move will boost Oracle’s cloud infrastructure offering as Talari Networks is one of the main players in the lucrative SD-WAN market.

WAN or Wide Area Network is the online component that links offices or enterprise’s systems in their own private network. Typically a business will lease a line or set up a private circuit using a telecommunications company. So with a WAN all your offices connect across the world.

Under traditional WAN networks all your individual PC’s, laptops and phones on the network are sending data to each with no prioritising of what should load faster in the office.

With a Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) you can specify what type of data on your network should get extra bandwidth. Simply put you can tell the network to slow down the internet connection on sites like Reddit or Facebook, while ensuring Skype meetings run at full speed.

Read More: Conference Calls over Cat Gifs: The Enterprise Virtues of SD-WAN

Talari Networks

Talari have spent years working on this technology while also adding in layers of security analytics through their Failsafe SD-Wan product.

Writing in a blog post Patrick Sweeney CEO of Talari Networks commented: “Talari solution accelerates what is possible by means of its Failsafe SD-WAN technology. Proprietary Failsafe technology enhances the benefits of SD-WAN by adding greater reliability and predictability while maintaining security for site-to-cloud and site-to-site connectivity and application access over any IP network.”

“Today, Talari serves over 500 enterprise customers in 40 different countries across a variety of industries including public sector, financial services, insurance, retail and manufacturing. When the transaction closes, we’ll serve a vastly expanded landscape with Oracle.”

With the number of employees using the internet and different devices in a work at the highest it has ever been, there is demand for data traffic to move faster and for IT teams to have more control over the network.

Some believe SD-WAN technology has acted like a force of disruption as enterprise move to the cloud and traditional WAN networks fail to differentiate the traffic important to business operations.

Drew Lydecker, President and Co-Founder of AVANT said in an emailed statement that: “Talari SD-WAN… puts the power of enterprise WAN back into the hands of the enterprise, democratizing utilisation of carrier services.”

“The behemoths like Oracle are gobbling up the nimble innovators and disruptors like Talari as a way of leapfrogging into this new technology space. SD-WAN is really about improving the application experience and enhancing the WAN security posture, and will be a phenomenal compliment to Oracle’s portfolio.”