Google has unveiled new updates for Chrome Enterprise to help companies operate a more secure workplace for their cloud workers.

So-called “cloud-based” workers do their jobs across multiple cloud-connected devices and browser-based business applications.

A recent Forrester report (commissioned by Google) notes that: “Technology innovation, shifting employee preferences, and evolving business expectations have propelled one in four information workers (26%) to become cloud workers. “

“Cloud workers spend much of their day using browser-based business apps across various devices, and they feel that the ability to access company resources from any location is crucial to their work/life balance.”

Chrome Browser is bringing in a feature that gives a company’s control within in the Chrome Browser so they can stop employees from using company passwords on websites that are not in the organisations domain.

The update is based on the Chrome extension Password Alert Policy which essentially gives enterprises the ability to set regulations on the use of corporate passwords online.

This will also include Predictive Phishing software which will give you an alert from Google stating that you may have just had your password stolen and offers steps to remediate the issue, an example of which is shown below,


Google has also teased the release of a new feature which will give an organisation’s IT team greater control over browsers working across a cloud network.

As workers use numerous devices, interact with web-based applications and SaaS offerings, it can get a bit “messy” knowing who is doing what and where.

Eve Phillips, group product manager for Chrome Enterprise, commented in blog: “With this new feature, it’ll be simple to enrol separate instances of Chrome Browser on company devices, and manage them from a single interface across different delivery platforms.”

“From a single view, IT will be able to manage Chrome Browser running on Windows, Mac, Chrome OS and Linux.”

“IT admins will be able to see inventory information and drill down into reports, helping them to both better understand how workers are using their browsers and to troubleshoot issues,” she added.