BitDefender, a provider of internet security solutions, has unveiled a free removal tool capable of removing all known variants of Win32.Worm.Stuxnet, as well as the rootkit drivers that are used to conceal critical components of the worm.

Win32.Worm.Stuxnet is a new breed of e-threats that emerged around mid-July. Although it infects all Windows-based systems alike, it primarily targets supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems which run the Siemens WinCC software.

BitDefender head of the Online Threats Lab Catalin Cosoi said, the company has added generic detection covering all variants of Stuxnet on July 19, thus protecting their customers since day zero.

"As part of their constant efforts to help worldwide users fight against e-threats, BitDefender has also created a Stuxnet Removal Tool," Cosoi said.

"Computer users who are not protected by a BitDefender security solution can now eliminate Stuxnet from their infected systems as well."

The tool can be run on both 32- and 64-bit installations and it will eliminate both the rootkit drivers and the worm.

The tool can be downloaded from the Removal Tools section of