Temis, a provider of Text Analytics offerings for the enterprise, has unveiled Luxid for SharePoint, a dedicated version of its content enrichment platform Luxid specifically packaged for Microsoft SharePoint 2010.

The company said that its new offering is based on Temis technology and automatically extracts meaningful information from documents stored in Microsoft SharePoint 2010 to generate rich metadata.

This semantic metadata natively stored in Microsoft SharePoint columns is then freely available to enrich any Microsoft SharePoint applications.

Luxid for SharePoint 2010 also provides a ready-to-use search interface with enhanced Microsoft SharePoint webparts for faceted navigation and query refinement.

Temis product marketing manager Daniel Mayer said, Luxid for SharePoint 2010 provides the benefits of Content Enrichment throughout the enterprise.

"Semantically enriched content boosts knowledge workers satisfaction and productivity, accelerating their adoption of Microsoft SharePoint based applications," Mayer said.