Binarymission, a software development and consultancy services firm, has introduced UIControlsSuite .NET Enterprise Edition V13 with support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7 and Microsoft Silverlight 4.

The new UIControlsSuite .NET V13 features new additions including a Microsoft Office-style Ribbon control for Silverlight, a Window Docking library for WPF, a Grid control Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2.0, and Carousal for WPF and Silverlight.

The Controls in V13 includes WPF Carousel, Silverlight Carousel, TreeListView for Silverlight, docking for WPF and Silverlight, ribbon for Silverlight, advanced grid control for the WPF and Silverlight, advanced grid control for ASP.NET MVC 2.0, new enhanced scheduler for WPF and Silverlight, and multi-column enabled Combo-box for Silverlight.

Binarymission technical director Sundar Subramaniam said that the V13 is a major release for the company and they have added a raft of new functionality.

"Silverlight based Web apps can now help to keep users in familiar territory, the added functionality of the Office-style Ribbon allows seamless look and feel between local and cloud apps," Subramaniam added.