Google is to make its artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning courses freely available to everyone.

The newly launched ‘Learn with Google AI’ portal allows anyone with interest in the area, specialist or basic, to learn how to best adopt the technology and better services and outcomes.

The aim of broadening the scope of availability of the course is to better equip the population with knowledge in AI and machine learning, to help them with business processes or understand the benefits of the technology.

Zuri Kemp, Google AI, said in a blog post: “AI can solve complex problems and has the potential to transform entire industries, which means it’s crucial that AI reflect a diverse range of human perspectives and needs. That’s why part of Google AI’s mission is to help anyone interested in machine learning succeed—from researchers, to developers and companies, to students.”

Free AI, machine learning course offered by Google
The course aims to widen the knowledge individuals have of AI


The portal provides ways to learn about the basics that make up machine learning, develop machine learning skills and apply these to real world scenarios. Other features of the portal include a free course called ‘Machine Learning Crash Course’. This is designed to give users a quick blast of the ins and outs of machine learning. The course provides exercises, interactive visualisations and instructional videos to help teach and practice machine learning concepts.

Originally, the portal was designed to train internal staff members of Google as the company aimed to become an AI First organisation. Now the portal can be accessed by anyone, whether they are expert or student to further their AI knowledge. Business owners believe AI can positively impact their businesses, therefore by having the portal on offer it could help open up organisations’ eyes to the possibilities of AI.

According to Kemp, over 18,000 Googlers have tried and tested the free crash course to develop everything from virtual reality for Google Earth the improving streaming for YouTube.

Google has also recently announced making its AI chips available to the public, to encourage further development to its existing product limiting the possibilities. Additionally it will allow users to trial Google’s product before committing to it, which could give the company a competitive advantage over the likes of AWS and Microsoft Azure.

The Silicon Valley Company has said this its Learn with Google AI portal is just at the start of its capabilities, with many more advances to come including more crash courses and documentation.