CA Technologies has introduced new version of its IT Client Manager (ITCM), which extends and automates enterprise capabilities to inventory, manage and deploy physical and virtualised systems and applications.

The company said that ITCM r12.5 allows IT to better enable workforce mobility, leverage employee-and contractor-owned devices, effectively prevent data leaks from client devices, and reduce costs.

The new version of client manager also provides application virtualisation support, including registering, deploying, detecting, reporting on and updating Microsoft App-V and VMware ThinApp technologies.

ITCM r12.5 supports Windows 7 and helps streamline new platform migration by automating processes, such as planning and implementation, process management, reporting and on-going support.

In addition, the new offering supports corporate sustainability initiatives with built-in green IT analytics that enable customers to optimise power management and settings, and establish timing parameters for monitors and hard drives.

CA Technologies Virtualisation and Automation Customer Solutions Unit general manager Roger Pilc said that with the new release of CA IT Client Manager, the company is giving customers the ability to manage workspaces without sacrificing security, time or cost.