Intel has introduced two new Atom processors for home and small business storage appliances that are paired with the 82801 IR I/O Controller.
The company said that its new 1.8GHz Atom processor D425 single-core and D525 dual-core, enhance processors performance with higher CPU frequencies for faster storage processing and supports new memory technology, double-data-rate three small outline dual in-line memory modules.
Both processors offer the flexibility to support Microsoft Windows Home Server and open source Linux operating systems, the company said.
Intel storage group product line manager Dinesh Rao said that the networked storage appliances based on the Intel Atom processor platform enable consumers and businesses to organise, manage, protect and share documents, photos, videos and music throughout the home or office.
"The versatile Atom processor, which is at the heart of a growing variety of small, innovative, Internet-connected devices, makes it possible for storage vendors to develop low-power appliances that can innocuously sit on a desk or shelf while keeping digital content safe and available anytime, anywhere," Rao said.