ShopVisible, a provider of ecommerce offerings, has integrated with retail channels including, Amazon, Craigslist, eBay and Overstock.

The company’s offering enables retailers to manage and automate the sale of their products and services through all major retail channels.

ShopVisible said through this integration, its offering now enables retailers to manage their entire product catalog at a granular level across diverse channels through one management console.

The firm provides a direct, two-way interaction with the marketplaces where products can be selectively pushed to specific online marketplaces and comparison shopping engines and orders are all managed and organised in a single user interface.

Sean Cook, CEO of ShopVisible, said: "There’s no reason retailers need to rely solely on their primary websites to drive traffic and revenues. In addition to retailers’ own websites, they need to take advantage of as many avenues for exposure as they can.

"ShopVisible helps retailers take advantage of online sites such as, Amazon and eBay which allow them to market and sell their products to massive groups of consumers. By opening up the retail ecosystem, ShopVisible provides a one-stop shop for retailers to manage their online retail sites and leverage online retail channels."