Following a rollercoaster year in the technology industry, CBR has covered everything from data breaches, CEO exits and robots taking over. Now, it is your turn to test your knowledge of the best and worst mishaps of 2017.
Each question is multiple choice – so nothing too strenuous, with the answers at the bottom of the page. (NO cheating allowed!)
Q1: What date will GDPR be implemented in the New Year?
A) 11/5/2018
B) 18/5/2018
C) 25/5/2018
Q2: Which company’s CEO left in November?
A) Uber – Dara Khosrowshahi
B) HPE – Meg Whitman
C) IBM – Ginni Rometty
Q3: In Philip Hammond’s Autumn Budget, what was left out of the budget allocation?
A) Cyber Security
B) Digital/STEM Skills
C) Artificial Intelligence
Q4: Which out of the three options was the biggest revealed data breach of 2017?
A) Equifax
B) Yahoo!
C) Uber
Q5: What is the minimum broadband speed Ofcom classes as ‘superfast’?
A) 10Mbps
B) 20Mbps
C) 30Mbps
Q6: Will AI bring or destroy more jobs in the future according to Gartner?
A) Destroy
B) Bring
Q7: How many cities has Uber been rejected from in the UK in 2017?
A) Two
B) Three
C) Four
Q8: Which company got the record for the number of qubits in quantum computing?
C) Intel
Q9: What hotel was on the hacking hit list earlier this year?
A) Hyatt Hotels
B) Marriott
C) Premier Inn
Q10: What did Vodafone claim to be the first company to do in the UK?
A) Underground Wi-Fi
B) AI chips for mobile devices
C) Standalone 5G test
Q11: After a rapid development in payment methods, almost the whole world has contactless payments but which company was last to offer it?
A) Visa
B) Natwest
C) American Express
Q12: According to a survey by Kaspersky Lab what percentage of women would NOT choose a career in IT?
A) 53%
B) 78%
C) 86%
Q13: What percentage of UK businesses does NOT have a cyber security plan in place, despite the significant amount of hacks and breaches over the last few years?
A) 27%
B) 43%
C) 58%
Hope that wasn’t too hard for you! Now, check your answers below!
Q1: A
Of course GDPR will be implemented from 25th May 2018 – if you got that one wrong, make sure you remember that date in future as GDPR will affect you no matter what.
Q2: B
HPE’s Meg Whitman departed the company in November, with Antonio Neri filling her shoes from the 1st February 2018.
Q3: A
Surprisingly Hammond left Cyber Security out of his budget. Although not to worry too much as the Government did promise a £20m Cyber Security training programme to be put in place in the New Year.
Q4: B
Yahoo! was the biggest data breach that was revealed to the public this year. In total 3billion accounts were hacked, followed by Equifax with 143million and Uber with 2.7million.
Q5: A
According to Ofcom, 10Mbps is the minimum requirement an average household should be able to access. However, if your house doesn’t YET it will do soon because it is soon to become a legal right to have the minimum speed by 2020.
Q6: B
Contrary to belief AI and robotics WILL bring more jobs than it will destroy, according to Gartner that is. Many people think otherwise, but for now let’s see what happens.
Q7: B
Uber has been rejected by three cities in total. First it was the Capital, London, followed by Sheffield and then the City of York. Could there be more in store for Uber in the New Year, or has its bad run finally come to an end?
Q8: B
IBM reached the milestone and world record for the number of qubits in Quantum Computing, reaching a total of 50 qubits. This was followed by its partnering of Quantum Computing with finance gurus JPMorgan and Barclays.
Q9: A
Hyatt Hotels was the unfortunate hotel to suffer a cyber attack, as 41 hotels were affected.
Q10: C
Vodafone claims to be the first company to achieve a standalone 5G test in the UK, in partnership with Ericsson. However, the race is on as Qualcomm has also had success in the area this year. Could 2018 be the year of 5G networking?
Q11: C
American Express, slowly but surely rid its signature authentication requirements and switched to contactless payments across all vendors that accept the card vendor. Thank god!
Q12: B
A staggering 78% of women would not choose a career in IT. Although unsurprising it is not a good figure, as the cause was down to lack of understanding and skills around the area. This brings more reason to close the digital skills gap in the years to come and implement Hammond’s strategy to reskill existing workplace staff.
Q13: B
And finally..despite the signficiant amount of cyber attacks, data breaches and general cyber security concern a staggering 43% of companies do not have a cyber security plan in place. Maybe another area to tackle in 2018.
So how did you do? Let us know by tweeting us @cbronline and share your scores! All that’s left to say is a very Happy Christmas from the team at CBR and wishing you a Happy New Year!