Digital Transformation programs are suffering as a result of the digital skills gap widening, reports reveal.

Capgemini and LinkedIn jointly carried out research on the widening digital skills gap in organizations today, finding that almost half of respondents surveyed would fund their own training in digital skills.

The report, “The Digital Talent Gap – Are Companies Doing Enough?”, looked into the concerns that employees feel when judging their own skills and training in the digital environment in their workplace.

From 1,200 respondents, 54% revealed that the lack of digitals skills in their organisation is damaging the ability for companies to effectively carry out digital transformation strategies, therefore losing competitive advantage in the industry.

Digital skills? What digital skills? Transformation hobbled by widening talent gap
Employees believe transformation is suffering as a result of skills shortage

Employees identified that the lack of training or care to build skills for employees is a major issue in their organisations. Budgets for digital skills training have remained the same or even decreased, according to the report, and half of respondents said they talk to employers about the gap but nothing changes.

Skills in data analytics, automation, AI and cyber security are in high demand with LinkedIn revealing within the report that the most in-demand jobs are those in information security, CDO/CDIO and Chief Analytics Officer.

Over half of the current digital talent do not think training programs produced by their employers are useful, saying they are “Useless and boring” and do not think enough time is put aside to effectively carry them out.

As a result many of today’s employees feel anxious for the future as 29% think their current skills set is redundant in the digital world and if it is not now, it will be in the next two years.

Today, technology is developing at a rapid rate and the report revealed that those working in the automotive sector are most worried about digital skills in the future.

Almost half (48%) of employees in automotive companies think their skills will not be needed in the next five years, followed by 44% of banking sector employees and 39% of telecoms employees feeling the same.

New education programme launched to close skills gap
Cyber Security one area in high demand of skills
Digital Skills needed for transformation

As employees begin to feel as though training is not a priority or effective to their development, almost three quarters said that they would consider moving to another company who offers more focused digital skills development and a better culture.

Claudia Crummenerl, Head of Executive Leadership and Change at Capgemini said, “Organisations face a mammoth task in terms of digital upskilling. Given that skill redundancy is a key concern among our employee respondents, ensuring a clear development path is essential to address this.

“In the future, the digital talent gap will continue to widen and no company can sit back and be comfortable. Organisations need to be consistently innovating and planning their workforce evolution.”