LG Electronics has unveiled its LG Optimus Series, a line-up of smartphones. The company said that the new series will be comprised of devices running on a range of operating systems and Android Tablet PC, and incorporates smart technologies.

Dr Skott Ahn, president and CEO of LG Electronics, said: "LG Optimus is just the first of many devices that we’ll be offering to challenge the notion that one device can meet the needs of many. At LG, we believe in providing the public with many different choices because unlike the users of some of our competitors’ phones, our customers are not all alike."

The two android-powered smartphones in the pipeline include LG Optimus One with Google and LG Optimus Chic incorporate the speedy Android Platform 2.2 (Froyo).

According to LG Electronics, LG Optimus One with Google offers the latest in Google mobile features and connects effortlessly to Google’s Android Market, delivers an unfiltered and genuine smartphone user experience, and also has a convenient user interface and diverse multimedia options ensure a mobile environment. The LG Optimus Chic incorporates soft and smooth lines.

In addition, the company said that it will be introducing its first tablet device later this year.