The British Army has joined with SAS to improve the quality and effectiveness of decision making across the organisation.
Aiming to help The British Army to make better use of data to make smarter decisions on managing its manpower and turnover of troops, the organisation works with SAS platform to help create effective decision-making.
Following a fall in the number of troops across the British Army, the organisation joins with SAS to use its software and services to provide the British Army leaders with crucial information about the troops it is looking to recruit.
The software will allow the British Army to sift through troop information and identify the most skilled personnel, then enable them to resource and deploy the best fit for the operation.
With such a vast amount of data to filter through, joining with SAS can help minimise the time and effort it takes for the British Army to come to an effective conclusion.
Charles Senabulya, VP & Country Manager at SAS UK & Ireland, commented: “Like so many mature organisations, the British Army had a wealth of data at its disposal, yet lacked the capabilities to use it. Much of it was siloed away or lost to legacy systems where it couldn’t be integrated, analysed or mined for insight.
“That has now changed, and the Army is able to draw from an arsenal of data, both internal and external, to assess, predict and make the optimal choice.”
SAS will work with the British Army to support the subjective decision-making of its leaders with a wider range of quality data leading to more effective decisions and deployments.
In addition to helping the organization source and deploy the most skilled troops, SAS has also expanded the service in others way such as helping the Army understand the reasons why troop numbers are falling. For example, if members of the army are leaving voluntarily before the end of their contracts. Furthermore, the system looks at how the British Army could prevent this from happening.
Primarily, the SAS platform is used by planners and policy makers however SAS has also found that other areas such as logistics, education and investment teams are also taking advantage of the platform to effectively analyse their workforce.
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Tim Carmichael, chief data officer and chief analytics officer at the British Army said: “The success of the armed forces will always be the result of close collaboration between soldiers, policy-makers, civil-servants and vendors such as SAS.
“SAS has helped us to improve the quality of our decisions – not replacing, but augmenting the human judgement at the heart of the Army.”