HootSuite has released an update to its social media dashboard, including a complete interface refresh and features utilising new HTML5 technology standards.

The company said that it has integrated Google Analytics, adding in-dashboard views to track conversions, goals and traffic patterns. The new feature, coupled with the existing custom URL parameter tool, lets marketers achieve deep research without switching sites.

According to HootSuite, new changes include multiple design themes, improvements to Facebook media publishing, and language localisation. The update also includes a geo-specific search option built using HTML5 that allows users to retrieve messages posted near their physical location. This tool is benefits Twitter users eager to shop locally, community groups seeking volunteers, and companies reaching out to new clients in their business area, plus myriad other scenarios.

HootSuite also added new tools to help broadcast messages, monitor conversations, and track results. They include re-designed interface and new themes; file drag and drop feature, keyboard shortcut and handier help.

In addition, the upgrade also includes a feature that allows users to view HootSuite in their preferred language. Users can also drag and drop an image or other file from the desktop into the message box to upload with a pre-shortened link. The new Facebook Media Preview tool allows users to add a photo thumbnail, title and description when posting links to Facebook profiles or pages.