Dropbox’s valuation at $10 billion is the latest chapter in the cloud storage provider’s quest to enter the enterprise market, following the introduction of Dropbox for Business last November.
The firm faces two major challenges in entering and succeeding in the enterprise world. Fighting with stiff competition from services that are already being provided by much more established enterprise rivals like Amazon, Google and Microsoft, I think that Dropbox should:
1) Offer exceptional integration across multiple platforms. Whether you are using a PC, Macbook or tablet, Dropbox is already doing an excellent job in doing this, but I think with some more work Dropbox can offer an integrated service like no other. Being built from a consumer background gives Dropbox the advantage in this.
2) Provide a shed load of storage space. Rivals are offering more and more free and premium storage space, and to tempt business customers away from the bigger enterprise players, Dropbox simply ahs to balance its integration with offering a massive incentive in the form of massive storage options.
Over and out.