Red Hat is to acquire Codenvy in order to boost its portfolio around containerised workspaces.

The open source company’s acquisition of the provider of cloud-native development tools will see Codenvy’s tools added to the Red Hat portfolio of developer tools and application platforms.

CodenvyIn essence, Codenvy is going to be included in Red Hat JBoss Middleware and will become an integral part of, according to the company.

Craig Muzilla, senior vice president, Application Platforms Business, Red Hat, said: “Thanks to the increasing push towards digital transformation and the use of technology platforms, including apps, as a strategic business advantage, the role of the developer has never been more important. But, accelerated innovation through agile development requires new approaches and tools.

Read more: Top takeaways from the Red Hat Summit

“We are thrilled to add Codenvy’s cloud-native development tools and containerized workspaces to Red Hat’s already expansive portfolio of solutions for building modern, cloud-native apps, to help make developers more successful.”

Last year, Codenvy, Red Hat, and Microsoft announced a collaborative effort to provide a common way to integrate programming languages across code editors and IDEs. In 2016, Red Hat also joined the Eclipse Che community, of which Codenvy is a main contributor.

Red Hat says that it now plans to make Eclipse Che and the company’s enhancements central to its tooling strategy and to extend and integrate the workspace management technology across its tools and platforms.

Tyler Jewell, founder and CEO of Codenvy, Eclipse Che project lead, said: “Cloud workspaces make contributing to software projects easy. It’s a simple concept that drove growth in and open source Eclipse Che.

Read more: Red Hat Summit: Developers take the limelight as Red Hat pushes containers & hybrid cloud management

“Our container-based approach to development aligns with Red Hat’s focus on improving security features, reliability and performance in its container offerings. Joining Red Hat opens up opportunities to expand our reach among developers, giving them modern tools to build containerized apps from within their Web browser.”

No financial details have been revealed.