Following news that robots and AI might be threatening a third of UK jobs, further stats have revealed that the US and UK are trailing behind China in the AI robot race.

According to an AI maturity index compiled by Infosys, China and India lead the maturity scoring with 56% and 55%, respectively. Germany also ranks highly in the index, notching up a score of 53%. However, when looking at the scores from the US and the UK, it is clear that there is some ‘smart’ work still left to be done for the home of Silicon Valley and the birthplace of the World Wide Web.

Trailing China, India and Germany, the US achieved a score of 46%, while the UK notched up 44% – the same percentage score as neighbors France.

The survey blames the index results on legacy systems, saying that the maturity gap is potentially due to both China and India having fewer legacy systems and business processes to contend with, thus “making AI adoption and integration easier to accomplish.”

china robot race

The index should prove to revitalise AI efforts on both sides of the Atlantic, especially in light of the fact that a clear link was found to exist between an organisation’s revenue growth and its AI maturity. As the US continues to rally against China’s dominance on the world stage, the report found that organisations who report faster growth in revenue over the past three years were also more likely to be further ahead when it comes to AI maturity.

76 per cent of respondents to the Infosys survey cited AI as fundamental to the success of their organisation’s strategy, with a further 64 per cent believing that their organisation’s future growth is dependent on large-scale AI adoption.

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption is on the rise and we are excited to see the investments in AI that businesses are gradually making to derive meaningful and creative change. The achievements are remarkable and the opportunities AI is bringing forth are vast. As we are seeing AI mature and gain momentum, our research shows that the next four years will witness further spikes in interest, and general bullishness about the significant value and benefits that can be obtained through AI adoption,” said Sandeep Dadlani, President & Head of Americas, Infosys.

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The Infosys report comes amid a flurry of other surveys and reports looking into AI. A recent survey by OpenText revealed consumer concerns revolving around the AI revolution. 42 percent of UK consumers believe their job is likely to be replaced by a robot in the next 30 years, while 25 percent think that this could happen within the next 10 years.