Samsung Electronics said that its 60GB and 120GB solid state drives (SSDs) have been selected for use as an option across the full range of HP ProLiant G6 servers, as well as in select ProLiant G5 servers.
Jim Elliott, vice president of memory marketing at Samsung Semiconductor, said: Using SSDs as the primary storage medium in enterprise servers will provide optimal value for data centres, with their exceptional low-power attributes, long-term reliability and outstanding performance.
HP has qualified Samsung SSDs, for what it is calling ‘green’ SSD option across its server line to provide customers a way to minimise power consumption and boot performance. Samsung claims that, by using single-level-cell (SLC) 3Gb/s SATA SSDs instead of 10K and 15K rpm hard disk drives (HDDs), HP ProLiant servers will be able to cut power drain and provide high performance, low latency offerings that can be up to 40-50 times faster than a traditional hard drive depending upon the application and computing workload.
When opting for an SSD storage over an HDD, customers also can free up a significant amount of physical space which can then be allocated for additional DRAM capacity further improving system performance. Samsung SSD’s execute random read commands at 25,000 input/outputs per second (IOPS) and random writes at 6000 IOPS. These have a sequential read speed of 230MB/s and a sequential write speed of 180MB/s, Samsung said.
Samsung said that its SSD’s in HP ProLiant servers consume 1.9 watts of power when writing to the drive and 1.5 watts when reading to it, which is about 1/5th that of a conventional enterprise hard drive.
Jim Ganthier, vice president of marketing for Industry Standard Servers at HP, said: Customers demand fast, energy efficient servers that enable them to do more with less, cutting the costs associated with running their data centers. Samsung’s latest SSD technology coupled with HP ProLiant servers delivers energy efficient server platforms to enable customers to slash their power usage and reduce costs.